What are eyelash extensions
Eyelash extensions are single synthetic or real mink lashes( from animal fur) applied directly to the natural lash, close to (but not touching)the lash line with a semi-permanent bonding adhesive. A single extension is applied to a single lash, leaving the eyelashes and eyelids to move freely. They are applied carefully, one by one using specially designed tweezers. The whole process normally takes
1-2 hours depending on how many lashes are applied.
How long do eyelash extensions last?
As long as six weeks - as the eyelash extension generally lasts until the natural lash falls out in its natural cycle. However it is advisable to have some in fills applied approximately every 2.5weeks-3.5 weeks(depending on how well you take care of them) to make sure your lashes always look fabulous, as by this stage some would have fallen out as new lashes have grown through. How long your eyelashes last also depends on how you care for them.(That is by removing your makeup correctly, not trashing them with heap of mascara and not tugging/pulling of your eyelash extensions.) Some clients who take extra care of their lashes get a month before they need infill
Why do I need infills if they last up to six weeks?
The eyelash extensions fall out with your natural lash cycle - which Is 6-8 weeks, so very gradually, just a few here and there as new baby lashes come through. After about 3weeks you will start seeing little gap where the old ones have fallen, and new ones are coming through - so at this point it's a good time to get infills , so your lashes always look nice and full.
How much do lash extensions cost?
A standard full set of eyelashes consisting of around 60 lashes per eye cost $65-$75 dollars or for a volume set $80-$100 for around 80-100lashes per eye applied. It really all depends on the look you are hoping to achieve .Infills generally cost between $40 - $60 depending on how many lashes you have lost.
Do eyelash extensions damage your natural lashes?
No - extensions are applied taking special care to ensure that they are all applied individually and correctly to maintain your eyelash health. To ensure the on going health of your lashes I highly recommend that you take my advice regarding the maximum thickness and length that would be appropriate long term for your natural lashes.The eyelash extensions come of when your natural lash falls out and so long as an appropriate weight extension has been applied your natural lash falls out and so long as an appropriate weight extension has been applied, your normal lashes will grow through as normal. Don't try to remove your eyelash extensions yourself - as this could easily damage your natural lashes as the adhesive bond is extremely strong. Some clients choose not to take my advice regarding the lashes and do request extra and thick lashes be applied to their thin or fine natural lashes. I will advice against this lashes. I will advice against this but ultimately the choice is yours. I will apply the lashes that you request usually as a one -off or special occasion wear, this will cause no problem at all but long term it can weaken your lashes.
But, I have friends who said their lashes were damaged by lash extensions?
Inexperienced technicians or those rush appointment to apply lashes that are too heavy clumped together which can definitely result in damaged lashes .My aim at fine lash is to give you beautiful lashes all the time with no damage to your natural lashes. I customize the lashes so they are the right weight and thickness and apply them carefully one by one so that your natural lashes remains as healthy as ever. If you still are concerned and are a little lash obsessed(don't worry I am) I recommend using a growth formula that helps strengthen and condition your natural lashes
Will eyelash extensions irritate my eyes?
No - Once your eyelash extensions are applied, they will feel just like your normal lashes-you shouldn't feel any difference. The eyelash extension is bonded to the actual lash not your eyelid skin, so your eyelashes can move freely. You should be careful not to roughly rub your eyes though- as this can damage the extensions and could make them a little uncomfortable.
I have had bad extensions applied somewhere else and I would like them removed and new ones put on-is this possible?
In most cases yes - but if you have had particularly bad extensions done somewhere else(particularly overseas) I cannot absolutely guarantee that I will be able to remove them or apply new ones immediately,it depends on how bad a state your lashes are in. If there is an awful lot of glue and many lashes fused together, it can take time to remove the lash extensions gently. If the bad extensions have irritated or infected your eyes/eyelid I may not perform the procedure and may refer you to initially seek medical advice.
Are eyelash extensions safe when pregnant?
Generally speaking, eyelash extensions are safe and non-invasive cosmetic procedure. I use a high-quality low fume adhesive and is manufactured specifically for cosmetic use near the eye, and the adhesive does not actually ever touch your skin as the extensions are glued to the eyelash hair. Allergic reactions to the adhesive are very rare and when they do present are easily treated. In saying this I do not recommend that a pregnant woman who have never had eyelash extensions before test out the procedure during their pregnancy. It also requires that you lie quite still which can be hard if you're heavily pregnant. Secondly, if you were unlucky enough to have allergic reaction,your doctor may not be able to give you your required treatment due to your pregnancy.
I have made a booking to have eyelash extensions put on,is there anything I need to do before hand?
The main thing is to have clean eyes and eyelashes, free of makeup especially mascara. Some mascara contain oil that can prevent eyelash extensions bonding correctly.Be sure to use an oil free make-up remover if removing makeup and don't use oil or petroleum based product on or around your eye area for 48hrs prior(such as Vaseline or moisturizers).
Can I wear eye makeup with my eyelash extensions?
Yes, you can eyeliners and eye shadows are fine - you just need to be a little gentle. I do not recommend that you apply mascara to your eyelash extensions, as this can cause them to clump together and may contain oils that weaken the adhesive bond on your eyelash extensions,so they will not last as long. If you are intent on wearing a mascara,use mascara made specifically for use on eyelash extension. I may not be able to infill your extensions if there is too much mascara coating the lashes may need new set.
What about removing eye make up?
You must use an oil free make up remover,as oil based removers damage the adhesive and could make the eyelash extensions fall off prematurely. Finelash stocks a high quality makeup remover that is formulated specifically for eyelash extensions.
How do I take care of my eyelash extensions so they last longer?
There are a few simple steps you can take to make sure you get the most out of your eyelash extensions. The main things to remember are:
-Do not wet them 24hrs after application so that the adhesive cures properly
-Use oil free products,especially makeup remover
-When you feel the need to rub around them, use a Q-tip
-Do not rub or pull at them
-Do not use a mechanical eyelash curler
-If exposed to chlorine,rinse off gently with fresh water afterwards
-Gently brush them with your lash wand
-It's best not to use mascara on them if possible!
-Cleanse them properly 2-3times per week
-Avoid steam rooms,saunas and bikrams yoga where possible
Can you be allergic to eyelash extension adhesive?
Like all cosmetic products, there are some individuals who may be allergic to this particular adhesive. Allergic reactions are extremely rare and subside normally as soon as the extensions are removed. If you have had an allergic reaction to any eyelash extensions before (swollen,puffy eyelids and under eye area) I do recommend using sensitive adhesive glue when you decide to try getting them on again instead of the pro bonding glues or if possible do not get eyelash extensions done again as it is likely you will be allergic again. If you do have an allergic reaction you must seek medical attention and I will need to remove the extensions as soon as possible.
Are the materials you use safe and good quality?
Yes,the eyelash extensions adhesive we use is almost completely fume free medical grade,and safe for your eyes,so no pain and burning! It is also very long lasting.The eyelash extensions used are the highest quality on the market in all sort of length and thickness,customised to suit you! All equipment is sterilized before each use.